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Matrices-Types-Properties-Transpose-Examples Class 12 Math CBSE Notes Study Material Full Chapter 3 Download pdf-ANAND CLASSES

Matrices-Types-Properties-Transpose-Examples Class 12 Math CBSE Notes Study Material Full Chapter 3 Download pdf-ANAND CLASSES

Matrices-Types-Properties-Transpose-Examples Class 12 Math CBSE Notes Study Material Full Chapter 3 Download pdf-ANAND CLASSES

Define Matrices

A rectangular array of m × n numbers (real or complex) in the form of m horizontal lines (called rows) and n vertical lines (called columns) is called a matrix of order m by n, written as m × n matrix. Such an array is enclosed by [ ] or ( ). In this article, we will learn the meaning of matrices, types of matrices, important formulas, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Matrices


What is meant by a null matrix?

A null matrix is a matrix whose all the elements are zero.


What is the transpose of a matrix?

The transpose of a matrix is the matrix obtained by interchanging its rows into columns or columns into rows.


What is meant by a diagonal matrix?

A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zeros.


What is meant by a square matrix?

If the number of rows and columns in a matrix is equal, then it is called a square matrix.


Give the formula to find the inverse of a matrix A.

The inverse of a matrix A is given by A-1 = Adj A/det A. Here, adj A is the adjoint of matrix A, and det A is the determinant of A.


What do you mean by Hermitian matrix?

If a square matrix is equal to its conjugate transpose, then that matrix is called a Hermitian matrix.


What do you mean by conjugate matrix?

The conjugate matrix of matrix A is found by replacing the corresponding elements of matrix A with its conjugate complex numbers.


What do you mean by a skew-symmetric matrix?

A skew-symmetric matrix is a matrix whose transpose is equal to the negative of the matrix. If A is skew-symmetric, then AT = -A.

Topic wise Class 12 Matrices Notes

Our Maths experts have organised the Class 12 Matrices Notes in a topic wise manner. Because of that students are able to find an organised study resource that enables them to focus on study and avoid clutter in learning.

The topic wise Matrices notes PDF is an ideal study resource that improves memory power and increases the attention. The notes are considered a great tool to develop a deeper understanding in the concepts explained. Keeping in mind this, our subject experts have prepared our own revision notes for Matrices.

Matrices Class 12 Notes That Can Help You Score Better Marks

We all agree that students need to do lots of practice in order to master Maths; however, it isn’t an easy task because without a proper understanding of the concepts it wouldn’t be easy to solve even a single question from the chapter Matrices. But the class 12 Matrices notes that we provide here are a very ideal study resource to develop a higher level of understanding in the topic.

A good grip on the concepts of class 12 Matrices can assist candidates to easily score better marks due to two reasons:

  • Revision notes are short yet precise that help students to cover more important concepts in a lesser time.
  • Research suggests that repeatedly memorising something boosts depth of mental processing as a result; thus, it develops deeper levels of analysis that produce more elaborate, longer-lasting, and stronger memory.

In conclusion, we can say that Notes of Matrices along with a regular practice of questions can help students to score better marks as they can remember the topics for a longer period of time.

Other than Notes of Matrices You Can Use

In case, if you make your mind to not only focus on Matrices class 12 notes then you can use -

  • MCQ Test of Matrices: Similar to notes, solving the Mock test of Matrices can help you recall your previous learning from the chapter. If you want to level up your preparation level and want to challenge your conceptual understanding of the Matrices you can use the CBSE MCQ test.
  • Chapter End Questions of Matrices: The Matrices notes PDF that we provide here are prepared referring to the NCERT Class 12 Maths Book so, those who want to use other study resources than revision notes of Matrices can use the NCERT Books. The book contains exercises that enable the learners to solve various questions to cross-check how well they understood the topic.
  • Highlighted Points of Topic: Every single chapter contains the key points that grab attention to readers, even such highlighted points are considered important. Thus, if you want to take a pause for a while from using the Matrices PDF notes then you can go back to your preferred textbook to read those highlighted points of the topic.

The Right Time To Use Matrices Class 12 Notes

There is no right or wrong time to use Matrices Class 12 Maths Notes as long as you are sincere about your study; however, there are 3 most important times that we think all students should revise whatever they have studied in Matrices. 

  • On a weekly basis after completing the chapter Matrices: There’s a few students who dedicate themselves in learning Maths during regular classes; however, experts suggests that revision just after completing the chapter Matrices can help students to deepen their understanding in the concepts that were explained in the lesson. Thus, the right time to use the Matrices Class 12 Notes can be on a weekly basis after finishing the chapter’s basics subtopics.
  • During Board Exam Preparation: The importance of revision Notes of Matrices can be understood during the board exam preparation because it saves time and allows students to cover the complete chapter in a lesser time. Also, the board exam preparation time often becomes a mess but the notes are neat, clean and organised in a manner that helps students to be more productive.
  • While preparing for competitive exams like JEE: Class 12 Matrices is not limited to board exams only, rather it plays a crucial role in national level competitive exam preparation. Therefore, the use of Matrices Class 12 Notes PDF while preparing for competitive exams like JEE can be a great time.

What You Definitely Need to Revise Class 12 Matrices?

The Matrices is an important part of higher level Maths, because in standard like 12, students have to study various topics at the same time, it becomes a challenge to handle so many topics and subjects at the same time. Thus, here we have listed what you definitely need to revise Class 12 Matrices for the ease of your study and exam preparation.

  • A Short Notes of Matrices: You wouldn’t like to use the revision Notes of Matrices that look like bulky textbooks, cluttered with so much information in an unorganised manner, right? So, you need a short yet precise Short Notes of Matrices that can help you recall your learnings from the chapter within a few minutes. You can find such Notes of Matrices here on ANAND CLASSES website.
  • Easy To Understand Definitions: Unclear and lengthy definitions never work, and it becomes very challenging to retain such definitions for a longer time. Therefore, you need revision notes that can help you easily understand the definitions of Matrices. Easy to understand definitions help you retain them for a longer time and give you an ability to recall them wherever you need them to solve a particular question related to Matrices.
  • Some Questions of Matrices to Practise: Without solving the questions of Matrices a revision is incomplete. If you really want to revise the topics, you must solve the questions based on Matrices. Such questions can be found from Notes of Matrices that we provide here or from the NCERT Class 12 Maths textbooks. Our Maths experts have mentioned the questions of Matrices especially in Class 12 Maths notes so that a learner can use them to practise.


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