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Coding Decoding MCQs-Sainik School Exam Class 6 Intelligence Study Material Notes Book pdf download free-ANAND CLASSES

Coding Decoding MCQs-Sainik School Exam Class 6 Intelligence Study Material Notes Book pdf download free-ANAND CLASSES

Coding Decoding MCQs-Sainik School Exam Class 6 Intelligence Study Material Notes Book pdf download free-ANAND CLASSES

Learn and practice the chapter "Coding Decoding" with these solved Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers. Each question in the topic is accompanied by a clear and easy explanation, diagrams, shortcuts and tricks that help in understanding the concept for Sainik School Entrance Exam (AISSEE)

Sainik School (AISSEE) Class 6th : Intelligence Test (Reasoning) MCQs Notes, Study Material Practice Exercise Questions with Solutions.

Coding Decoding Questions and Answers (MCQs)

1. If EDUCATION is written as 5421312091514 then how is CAT written?

a. 13120
b. 312
c. 3120
d. 31209

Answer: c. 3120


Alphabets and their positions


Check Alphabets and their Positions

2. In a code language QUEEN is written as OVCFL, then KING is written as


Answer: a. IJLH


Alphabet Series - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
The coding follows the rule -2, +1, -2, +1, etc.
That means Q -2 = O
E-2=C, etc.

3. In a code language, BROKE is written as DOSFK, START is written as UQEMZ, then INDIA is written as


Answer: b. KKHDG


Alphabet Series - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
The coding follows the rule +2, -3, +4, -5, +6, etc.
That means B+2=D
O+4=S, etc.

4. If DOOR = 25, LOWER=37, TOWER=18, then OVER = ?

a. 81
b. 45
c. 60
d. 06

Answer: d. 06


Alphabets and their positions


Rule=add positions of alphabets and then reverse the result
DOOR = 4+15+15+18 = 52 = reverse 52 to give 25

5. If 7 x 5 = VIII ; 5 x 6 = III ; 5 x 3 = VI , then 9 x 4 = ?

a. IX
b. II

Answer: a. IX


7 x 5 = 35 ; 3+5 = 8 = VIII in roman numeral format
5 x 6 = 30 ; 3+0 = 3 = III in roman numerals.
9 x 4 = 36 = 3+6 = 9 = IX in roman numerals

6. 10 (87) 7 ; 5 (59) 9 ; then 7 (?) 4.

a. 29
b. 39
c. 42
d. 30

Answer: b. 39


10 x 7 = 70 ; 70 + (10+7) = 87
5 x 9 = 45 ; 45 + (5+9) = 59
7 x 4 = 28 ; 28 + (7 + 4) = 39

7. CEGI : JHFD :: KMOQ : ?


Answer: d. RPNL


Alphabet Series - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Write the next letters after the letters CEGI. We get DFHJ. Reverse them to get JHFD
Next letters after KMOQ is LNPR. Reversing them we get RPNL

8. 6 : 49 :: 7 : ?

a. 64
b. 63
c. 50
d. 81

Answer: a. 64


6 : 49 = 6 : 72 = 6 : (6+1)2
So, 7 : ? = 7 : (7+1)2 = 7 : 64

9. If % x ^ = 20 ; ^ x & = 32 ; % x & = 40 ; * x & = 72. Then what is the value of * ?

a. 8
b. 7
c. 9
d. 6

Answer: c.  9


* cannot be 7 as 72 is not divisible by 7.
If * is 6, then & becomes 72/6 = 12.
But 40 is not divisible by 12.
Let * be 8, then & becomes 72/8 = 9
But 40 and 32 are not divisible by 9.
So * is 9. Answer is option c.

10. Given are some words decoded from artificial language - chikerkurrip means birdhouse; phyckurrip means bluebird and phycbrell means bluebell. Select the code for 'houseguest' in this artificial language.

a. bellchicker
b. chikerrdrop
c. chickerrphyc
d. dropchiker

Answer: d. dropchiker


From first and second term, we see that bird means kurrip.
So, chiker means house. Also, phyc means blue.
There is 'brell' but no 'bell' in code language.
'Chiker' has one 'r' in it. So option b cannot be answer.
So, answer is Option d.

11. 34 : 12 :: 59 : ?

a. 45
b. 14
c. 42
d. 38

Answer: a. 45


34 means 3 and 4. 3 x 4 = 12
So, 59 means 5 and 9. So, 5 x 9 = 45.

12. Study the given information and select the most appropriate term for 'save more money'

'time and money' is coded as 'tis nim jes'
'manage money judiciously' is coded as 'lop xer nim'
'save more time' is coded as 'jes kib dob'
'save enough judiciously' is coded as 'xer kib hix'.

a. nim hix kib
b. jes nim dob
c. nim kib dob
d. There is not enough information for figuring out code of 'more'

Answer: c.  nim kib dob


Comparing 1st and 2nd sentence, 'money' is 'nim'.
Comparing 1st and 3rd sentence, 'time' is 'jes'.
So from 3rd sentence we can say that, 'save more' means 'kib dob'
So answer is option c

13. If KGLFT is written as PTOUG, the MERSA is written as ?


Answer: a. NVIHZ


Alphabet Series - A B C D E F G H I J K L M  |  N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Here the series is divided exactly in the center.
A will be replaced by Z and Z will be written as A.
Same way K which is 3rd from center towards left is written as P which 3rd from center towards right.
Answer is option a.

14. If 2 x 8 = 20 ; 3 x 9 = 31 ; 5 x 8 = 44 , then 30 x 5 = ?

a. 150
b. 154
c. 158
d. 145

Answer: b. 154


2 x 8 = 16 ; 16 + 4 = 20
3 x 9 = 27 ; 27 + 4 = 31
So, 4 is added to the product.
So, 30 x 5 = 150 ; 150+4 = 154

15. If DOUBLE is written as GSXFOI, then MISTER will be written as


Answer: a. PMVXHV


Alphabet Series - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
D+3 = G ; O+4 = S ; U+3=X ; B+4 = F and so on
So the pattern is +3+4+3+4+3,…
Use it to get the answer as option c

16. In a code language, TAPE is written as 4825; SHART is written as 93814 and TUBE is written as 4675. Then how is BASERA written?

a. 785198
b. 789518
c. 985718
d. 758918

Answer: b. 789518


Comparing codes of TAPE and SHART, A is coded as 8.
Comparing codes of TUBE and SHART, T is coded as 4.
Comparing codes of TAPE and TUBE, E is coded as 5.
In BASERA, E is in 5th position and in code word, 5 should be in 5th position.
Answer is option b.

17. 256AF : 16D :: 625BE : ?

a. 25F
b. 32G
c. 5F
d. 25E

Answer: d. 25E


Alphabets and their positions


256 is square of 16. 16 means 1 and 6. 1=Position of A ; 6 = Position of F. So we get 256AF
Also, 256 is square of 16 and 16 is square of 4. 4= Position of D
Using same rule,
625 is square of 25 i.e. 2 and 5. 2=Position of B ; 5=Position of E
? will be 25E.
Because 625 is square of 25 and 25 is square of 5. 5 = Position of E
So, answer is Option d

18. In a symbolic language,

"He is father" is written as "Sheila told mother."
"He teaches physics" is written as "Sheila walks baseball."

"Father teaches science" is written as "Mother walks jango."

Then for 'Science' which word should be used?

a. mother
b. told
c. walks
d. jango

Answer: d. jango


Comparing 1st and 3rd sentences, Father is coded as mother.
Comparing 2nd and 3rd sentences, teaches is coded as walks.
So, Science means jango.

19. If jasmine means onion, onion means jaggery, jaggery means guava and guava means grass, then which of the following is a manmade object?

a. Jasmine
b. Grass
c. Guava
d. Onion
e. Jaggery

Answer: d. Onion


Jaggery is manmade.
Onion means Jaggery. So if we want to point out Jaggery we have to call it Onion or if we say Onion, we are talking about jaggery.

20. If NITIN is coded as %%^## and TEEN is coded as &^#& , then TIP is coded as

a. #%^
b. @^%
c. #^&
d. ^#$

Answer: b. @^%


NITIN = %%^##
So, N and I are % or #.
TEEN = &^#&
So, E = &
NITIN and TEEN has single T in common. Only ^ is single in both.
So, T = ^ ; Therefore, N=# ; So, I=%
P is new letter so it must have new symbol.


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